20 Tricky Math Riddles With Answers

20 Tricky Math Riddles With Answers

1.Two people in front of two people, two people behind two people, and two people beside two people. How many people are there?



2.A certain number has three digits. The sum of the three digits equals 36 times this number. Seven times the left digit plus 9 is equal to 5 times the sum of the two other digits. 8 times the second digit minus 9 is equal to the sum of the first and third. What is the number?



3.A duck was given $9, a spider was given $36, a bee was given $27. Based on this information, how much money would be given to a cat?


$18 ($4.50 per leg)

4.A man dies of old age on his 25th birthday. How is this possible?


He was born on February, 29th.

5.A nonstop train leaves Moscow for Leningrad at 60 mph. Another nonstop train leaves Leningrad for Moscow at 40 mph. How far apart are the trains 1 hour before they pass each other?


100 miles (60+40)

6.Add me to myself and multiply by 4. Divide me by 8 and you will have me once more. What number am I?


Any number

7.Can you arrange four nines to make it equal to 100?


99+9/9 = 100

8.I am a number with a couple of friends, quarter a dozen, and you’ll find me again. What am I?



9.I am a three-digit number. My tens digit is five more than my one’s digit. My hundreds digit is eight less than my tens digit. What number am I?



10.I am four times as old as my daughter. In 20 years, I shall be twice as old as her. How old are we now?


I am 40 and my daughter is 10.

11.I asked a girl how old she was. She said, “In 2 years I will be twice as old as I was 5 years ago.” How old is she?



12.If you’re 8 feet away from a door and with each move you advance half the distance to the door. How many moves will it take to reach the door?


You will never reach the door, because it will always be half the distance, no matter how small.

13.In a pond, there are some flowers with some bees hovering over them. How many flowers and bees are there if both the following statements are true:

If each bee lands on a flower, one bee doesn’t get a flower.

If two bees share each flower, there is one flower left out.


4 bees and 3 flowers

14.Janie’s friends were chipping in to buy her a wedding shower present. At first, 10 friends chipped in, but 2 of them dropped out. Each of the 8 had to chip in another dollar to bring the amount back up. How much money did they plan to collect?


$40 (10 at $4, or 8 at $5)

15.There are several books on a bookshelf. If one book is the 4th from the left and 6th from the right, how many books are on the shelf?


9 books

16.There are two ducks in front of two other ducks. And, there are two ducks behind two other ducks. There are two ducks beside two other ducks. How many ducks are there?


4 ducks (in a square)

17.What 3 positive numbers give the same result when multiplied and added together?


1, 2, and 3

18.What is the value of 1/2 of 2/3 of 3/4 of 4/5 of 5/6 of 6/7 of 7/8 of 8/9 of 9/10 of 1000?



19.When John was six years old, he hammered a nail into his favorite tree to mark how tall he was. Ten years later at age sixteen, John returned to see how much higher the nail was. If the tree grew by five centimeters each year, how much higher would the nail be?


The nail would be at the same height since trees grow at their tops.

20.When my father was 31 and I was 8. Now he is twice as old as me. How old am I?


The difference in age is 23 years, so I must be 23 if my father is twice as old as me.

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