30 Trick Questions with Answers

30 Trick Questions with Answers

  1. How can a door be not a door?
  2. What word starts with IS, ends with AND, and has LA in the middle?
  3. Why do you always find a mushroom at a party?
  4. Do you want to hear a joke about potassium?
  5. Do you know any good jokes about sodium?
  6. What should one do with a dead chemist?
  7. What’s a great name for a lawyer?
  8. What do you call a man in a hole?
  9. Which is the fastest country in the world?
  10. What do you get if you throw a million books into the ocean?
  11. What is the coldest country in the world?
  12. Why did the house go to the doctor?
  13. On which roads do ghosts linger?
  14. What do you call a woman standing on a tennis court?
  15. What is round and extremely violent?
  16. What happened to the tiny fortuneteller that escaped from jail?
  17. What is green and sings?
  18. What happened when the magician got angry?
  19. What common eleven-letter word is always spelled incorrectly?
  20. What did the person who invented the door-knocker win?
  21. What happened to the woman who fell into the upholstery machine?
  22. Did you hear what happened to the origami store?
  23. Why did the banker quit his job?
  24. What do you find in the middle of nowhere?
  25. Why was everyone so tired on the April first?
  26. What did one commode say to the other commode?
  27. A neutron walks into a cafĂ©, orders breakfast, and asks the waiter, “How much will that be?”
  28. What is it that stands up, but grows down?
  29. A photon checks into a hotel. What is her reply when she is asked if she needs any help with her luggage?
  30. If George’s father has four children – Eenie, Meenie, Miney – what is the name of his fourth child?


  1. When it is a jar. (ajar = “open”)
  2. Island
  3. Because he is a fungi (“fun guy”).
  4. K! (K is the symbol for potassium.)
  5. Na! (Na is the symbol for sodium.)
  6. Barium (“Bury him”)
  7. Sue
  8. Doug (“dug”)
  9. Russia (“rush ya”)
  10. A title wave
  11. Chili
  12. Because it had a window pane (“pain”).
  13. Dead ends
  14. Annette (“a net)
  15. A vicious circle
  16. He was a small medium at large.
  17. Elvis Parsley
  18. He pulled his hare (“hair”) out.
  19. Incorrectly
  20. The no-bell (“Nobel”) prize
  21. She was fully recovered.
  22. It folded.
  23. He lost interest.
  24. The letter H
  25. Because they just completed a March of 31 days.
  26. You look flushed.
  27. The waiter replies, “For you? No charge!”
  28. A candle
  29. No thank you, I am traveling light.
  30. George
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